Handling Pop-ups and Alerts in Playwright

Handling Pop-ups and Alerts in Playwright

Handling Pop-ups and Alerts in Playwright

Pop-ups and alerts are a common part of web development and testing. Whether they are confirmation alerts, notifications, or unexpected promotional pop-ups, handling them efficiently during automated testing is critical to ensuring the robustness of your web application. If you’re working with browser automation frameworks like Playwright, you’ll need to know how to interact with these pop-ups, suppress them, or handle them during your tests.

This article will guide you through the process of managing pop-ups and alerts in Playwright, offering best practices for handling these interruptions while automating your browser interactions.

What Are Pop-ups and Alerts?

Pop-ups and alerts in web browsers come in different forms, such as:

  • JavaScript Alerts: Simple message dialogs that require users to acknowledge a message by pressing "OK."
  • Confirmation Dialogs: Dialogs that request confirmation from the user (e.g., "OK" or "Cancel").
  • Prompt Dialogs: Dialogs that prompt the user to input text.
  • Window Pop-ups: Separate browser windows, often for advertising or notifications.

When automating browser interactions with Playwright, these elements may interrupt the flow of your tests, so it’s essential to handle them appropriately.

Handling JavaScript Alerts in Playwright

JavaScript alerts can pause the execution of scripts by waiting for the user to acknowledge the message. To automate handling these alerts in Playwright, you can listen for the alert event and either accept or dismiss it.

Step 1: Listening for Alerts

Playwright provides an API to listen for alert events and handle them as they appear. Here's an example script to handle a JavaScript alert:

const { chromium } = require('playwright');

(async () => {
    const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });
    const page = await browser.newPage();

    // Listen for alert events
    page.on('dialog', async dialog => {
        console.log(`Dialog message: ${dialog.message()}`);
        await dialog.accept(); // Accepts the alert

    await page.goto('https://example.com');
    // Trigger an alert on the page
    await page.evaluate(() => alert('This is an alert message!'));

    await browser.close();

In this example:

  • The page.on('dialog') event listener captures any dialog (alert, prompt, or confirmation) that appears on the page.
  • We log the dialog message and use dialog.accept() to accept and close the alert.

Handling Confirmation Dialogs

Confirmation dialogs are similar to alerts but require the user to choose between "OK" and "Cancel." In Playwright, you can choose whether to accept or dismiss the confirmation based on your test scenario.

page.on('dialog', async dialog => {
    if (dialog.type() === 'confirm') {
        await dialog.accept(); // Accepts the confirmation
    } else {
        await dialog.dismiss(); // Dismisses the dialog

In this script, we check the type of the dialog before deciding whether to accept or dismiss it.

Handling Prompt Dialogs

Prompt dialogs ask users to input a text value. You can automate this process in Playwright by providing the input value in the script:

page.on('dialog', async dialog => {
    if (dialog.type() === 'prompt') {
        await dialog.accept('Input text here'); // Accepts the prompt and provides input

This example shows how to automate a prompt by passing the required text input directly in the accept() method.

Handling Window Pop-ups in Playwright

Some websites open new browser windows as pop-ups, often for displaying content or ads. Handling these pop-ups involves managing new browser contexts or pages in Playwright. Here's how you can handle a new browser window:

Step 1: Waiting for a New Page

When a new window opens, Playwright triggers a newPage event, allowing you to manage the new page and interact with its content.

const [popup] = await Promise.all([
    page.waitForEvent('popup'), // Wait for the new window to open
    page.click('a#open-popup')  // Click the element that triggers the popup

// Interact with the new popup window
await popup.waitForLoadState();
await popup.fill('input#name', 'John Doe');
await popup.close();

In this script:

  • We wait for the popup event using page.waitForEvent('popup').
  • After the popup opens, we interact with the new window and perform actions like filling forms or clicking buttons.

Suppressing Pop-ups and Alerts During Tests

Sometimes, pop-ups or alerts are unnecessary for automated tests and may interrupt the flow. In such cases, you can suppress these dialogs by automatically dismissing them:

page.on('dialog', async dialog => {
    await dialog.dismiss(); // Automatically dismisses all dialogs

This will prevent any pop-up or alert from interrupting your test flow.

Simulating Alerts and Pop-ups in Playwright

If your tests require simulating a pop-up or an alert, you can use Playwright’s evaluate function to trigger these dialogs:

await page.evaluate(() => {
    alert('Simulated alert for testing!');

Simulating pop-ups or alerts helps ensure that your Playwright tests handle these elements correctly, even in real-world scenarios where they may appear unexpectedly.

Best Practices for Handling Pop-ups and Alerts

  • Handle Unexpected Alerts: Always include an event listener for dialogs, even if your application doesn’t usually show alerts. This will ensure that unexpected pop-ups don’t break your tests.
  • Simulate Edge Cases: Create tests that simulate rare pop-up scenarios, such as error messages or unexpected user prompts.
  • Test Across Browsers: Ensure that your pop-up handling scripts work across multiple browsers, as behavior can vary slightly between Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit.
  • Suppress Unnecessary Pop-ups: If a pop-up or alert isn’t relevant to your test, suppress it to keep the test flow uninterrupted.


Handling pop-ups and alerts in Playwright is an essential part of browser automation. From simple alerts to complex multi-window pop-ups, Playwright provides a robust API for managing these interactions in your tests. By properly handling and testing these elements, you can ensure that your application remains functional and user-friendly, even in scenarios involving multiple pop-ups or user prompts.

By following the techniques and best practices outlined in this guide, you’ll be better equipped to automate pop-up handling in Playwright and build reliable, interruption-free browser automation scripts.


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